Friday, October 18, 2019

Career skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Career skills - Essay Example An excellent social skill will make a difference in attracting those kinds of people in my chosen organization. Social skills will make a difference in attracting people when all other things are being equal in terms of pay, career opportunity, prestige, interesting work and other work related consideration. These social skills will make a huge difference in terms of determining the competitiveness of my chosen organization because of the quality of people that I will recruit. There is also another soft skill that is rarely talked discussed but is equally important in a People Operation’s job which is emotional intelligence. This skill enable’s a Human Resource person to best deal with issues that people in organization present to him or her. This skill is critical because this could retain or drive away the good people in an organization depending on how Human Resource personnel will handle the issues presented to him or

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